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Apache Spark example/library #2030

Open eladb opened 1 year ago

eladb commented 1 year ago

Community Note

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Feature Spec

Apache Spark is the standard de-facto for data engineering. I think we need some example/demo/dogfood to show how it can be used within Winglang programs.

Use Cases

Data engineering

Implementation Notes


No response

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 60 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 60 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 90 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!