winglang / wing

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Can't compile wing using wing #2109

Closed eladcon closed 3 months ago

eladcon commented 1 year ago

I tried this

Tried running a wing app that compiles wing code

wing test -t sim test.w


bring cloud;

resource Foo {
  extern "./external_js.js" static inflight wing_compile(code: str): str;
  inflight compile(code: str): str {
    return Foo.wing_compile(code);

let f = new Foo();
new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
  log(f.compile("log(\"this will be logged as well\");"));
}) as "test:call";


const { compile, Target} = require('winglang/dist/commands/compile');
const { writeFile, readFile } = require('fs/promises');
const { join } = require('path');
exports.wing_compile = async function(code) {
  const wingFile = "/tmp/test.w";
  await writeFile(wingFile, code, "utf-8");
  const outDir = await compile(wingFile, { target: Target.TF_AWS });
  const tfJson = await readFile(join(outDir, ''), 'utf-8');  
  return tfJson;

I expected this:

the test to run and to see the output this will be logged as well

Instead, this happened

got en error:

../node_modules/.bin/wing test -t sim ../test.w
✔ Compiling to sim...
fail ┌ test.wsim » root/env0/test:call
     │ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fd')
     │     at Function.useColors (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/winglang/node_modules/debug/src/node.js:158:29)
     │     at createDebug (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/winglang/node_modules/debug/src/common.js:117:33)
     │     at /private/tmp/a2/node_modules/winglang/node_modules/wasi-js/dist/wasi.js:16:33
     │     at VM2 Wrapper.apply (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/bridge.js:485:11)
     │     at (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/nodevm.js:426:23)
     │     at DefaultResolver.loadJS (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/resolver.js:202:7)
     │     at loadJS (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/nodevm.js:249:46)
     │     at VM2 Wrapper.apply (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/bridge.js:485:11)
     │     at Module._extensions.<computed> (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/setup-node-sandbox.js:144:48)
     └     at requireImpl (/private/tmp/a2/node_modules/@winglang/sdk/node_modules/vm2/lib/setup-node-sandbox.js:117:3)

Is there a workaround?

No response



Wing Version

No response

Wing Console Version

No response

Node.js Version

No response


No response

Anything else?

the error seems to point that process.stderr is missing from the global object. But even when fixing that there are also some mismatches between types inside the vm and outside of it.

Community Notes

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 60 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 60 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 90 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!

staycoolcall911 commented 6 months ago

I modernized the code and no errors are now thrown, but the log message is still not printed, so I'll keep the issue. main.w:

bring cloud;

class Foo {
  extern "./comp_ext.js" static inflight wingCompile(code: str): str;
  pub inflight compile(code: str): str {
    return Foo.wingCompile(code);

let f = new Foo();
new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
  log(f.compile("log(\"this will be logged as well\");"));
}) as "test:call";


const { compile, Target } = require("winglang/dist/commands/compile");
const { writeFile, readFile } = require("fs/promises");
const { join } = require("path");
exports.wingCompile = async function (code) {
  const wingFile = "/tmp/test.w";
  await writeFile(wingFile, code, "utf-8");
  const outDir = await compile(wingFile, { target: Target.TF_AWS });
  const tfJson = await readFile(join(outDir, ""), "utf-8");
  return tfJson;
github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago


This issue hasn't seen activity in 90 days. Therefore, we are marking this issue as stale for now. It will be closed after 7 days. Feel free to re-open this issue when there's an update or relevant information to be added. Thanks!