winglang / wing

A programming language for the cloud ☁️ A unified programming model, combining infrastructure and runtime code into one language ⚡
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typeform step 1 short questionnaire for joining #573

Closed ekeren closed 1 year ago

ekeren commented 1 year ago


Remove questions:

ekeren commented 1 year ago

Here is lazy questionnaire for inspiration: What's your first name

2+ Hey ekeren - is it still your best email eyalk@monada co

most closely •

Choose as many as you like

5+ What browser do you use

We currently have a Gmail  Gsuite sign

Where do you read your emails

To send a quick reminder, link, todo, idea,


10 - Do you use a read-it-later app

Choose as many as you like

on SlackDiscord

From a friend

revitalbarletz commented 1 year ago

@ekeren and @eladb please review content and design.

eladb commented 1 year ago

I think we need to take this opportunity and collect some more information related to Wing. This is a unique situation because people are already engaged with this form and they want in.

Let's ask about:

  1. Cloud provider
  2. Programming languages you use
  3. Team size
  4. Type of apps they are building: serverless, big data, analytics, .... (we need to devise a list)
  5. Which AWS resources they are using? (signal about our SDK)
  6. Mac/Windows/Linux
  7. IDE

@ekeren anything else?

Also, @amielpb -- I think the design should be aligned with the landing page... seems like it's very Monadian and not Wingian...

Chriscbr commented 1 year ago

It could also be useful to ask about what tools they currently use or have tried for deploying/creating infrastructure (can be low-level like Terraform, Pulumi, CloudFormation, or high-level like, Serverless, Serverless stack, etc.).

revitalbarletz commented 1 year ago

Added more questions - please review here - Ill work with @amielpb on the design.

ekeren commented 1 year ago

@revitalbarletz we currently have "Lastely, how did you hear about us" in both typeforms (number 1 and number 2)

revitalbarletz commented 1 year ago

Fixed. Please review again.

revitalbarletz commented 1 year ago

@ekeren , @eladb this one contains only one question for email address, please review and share feedback. Flow is triggering Pipedrive deal creation as well as an email that is sent (on behalf of Elad from Pipedrive) to the user with another link of another questionnaire.