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merge queue: embarking main (c261537) and #6362 together #6373

Closed mergify[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

🎉 This pull request has been checked successfully and will be merged soon. 🎉

Branch main (c261537) and #6362 are embarked together for merge.

This pull request has been created by Mergify to speculatively check the mergeability of #6362. You don't need to do anything. Mergify will close this pull request automatically when it is complete. Required conditions of queue default for merge:

Required conditions to stay in the queue:

previous_failed_batches: []
  - number: 6362
monadabot commented 2 weeks ago


Comparison to Baseline ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥⬜ | Benchmark | Before | After | Change | | :-- | --: | --: | --: | | version | 57ms±0.7 | 58ms±0.59 | +1ms (+1.25%)⬜ | | functions_1.test.w -t sim | 404ms±17.78 | 405ms±13.29 | +1ms (+0.13%)⬜ | | functions_1.test.w -t tf-aws | 811ms±4.26 | 832ms±21.3 | +21ms (+2.54%)⬜ | | jsii_big.test.w -t sim | 2793ms±15.16 | 2827ms±25 | +34ms (+1.22%)⬜ | | jsii_big.test.w -t tf-aws | 2993ms±12.78 | 3001ms±13.38 | +8ms (+0.27%)⬜ | | functions_10.test.w -t sim | 482ms±8.77 | 491ms±11.94 | +9ms (+1.9%)⬜ | | functions_10.test.w -t tf-aws | 1989ms±9.1 | 2022ms±8.41 | +33ms (+1.68%)🟥 | | jsii_small.test.w -t sim | 368ms±5.18 | 370ms±3.99 | +2ms (+0.47%)⬜ | | jsii_small.test.w -t tf-aws | 600ms±5.33 | 607ms±4.18 | +6ms (+1.08%)⬜ | | empty.test.w -t sim | 364ms±8.81 | 356ms±3.39 | -8ms (-2.22%)⬜ | | empty.test.w -t tf-aws | 587ms±2.5 | 594ms±4.5 | +7ms (+1.18%)⬜ | | hello_world.test.w -t sim | 390ms±2.21 | 402ms±4.41 | +12ms (+3.07%)🟥 | | hello_world.test.w -t tf-aws | 1513ms±9.52 | 1518ms±5.89 | +4ms (+0.28%)⬜ | ⬜ Within 1.5 standard deviations 🟩 Faster, Above 1.5 standard deviations 🟥 Slower, Above 1.5 standard deviations _Benchmarks may vary outside of normal expectations, especially when running in GitHub Actions CI._
Results |name|mean|min|max|moe|sd| |----|----|----|----|----|----| |version|58ms|57ms|59ms|1ms|1ms| |functions_1.test.w -t sim|405ms|390ms|455ms|13ms|19ms| |functions_1.test.w -t tf-aws|832ms|807ms|914ms|21ms|30ms| |jsii_big.test.w -t sim|2827ms|2784ms|2894ms|25ms|35ms| |jsii_big.test.w -t tf-aws|3001ms|2982ms|3039ms|13ms|19ms| |functions_10.test.w -t sim|491ms|457ms|509ms|12ms|17ms| |functions_10.test.w -t tf-aws|2022ms|2011ms|2050ms|8ms|12ms| |jsii_small.test.w -t sim|370ms|359ms|377ms|4ms|6ms| |jsii_small.test.w -t tf-aws|607ms|599ms|617ms|4ms|6ms| |empty.test.w -t sim|356ms|350ms|366ms|3ms|5ms| |empty.test.w -t tf-aws|594ms|582ms|604ms|5ms|6ms| |hello_world.test.w -t sim|402ms|392ms|410ms|4ms|6ms| |hello_world.test.w -t tf-aws|1518ms|1506ms|1534ms|6ms|8ms|
Last Updated (UTC) 2024-04-29 12:39