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can't use `sim.Resource` thats composing additional resources #6526

Open eladcon opened 1 month ago

eladcon commented 1 month ago

I tried this:

bring cloud;
bring sim;

class Backend impl sim.IResource {
  bucket: cloud.Bucket;
  new() {
    this.bucket = new cloud.Bucket();

  pub inflight store(key: str, value: str) {
    this.bucket.put(key, value);

  pub inflight onStop() {}

class Client {
  resource: sim.Resource;
  new() {
    let backend = new Backend();
    this.resource = new sim.Resource(inflight () => {
      return backend;

  pub inflight store(key: str, value: str) {"store", Json ["k1", "v1"]);

let client = new Client();

test "store" {"k1", "v1");

This happened:

[ERROR] store | Error: Missing environment variable: BUCKET_HANDLE_a2a9c469
[ERROR] store | Error: Resource is not running (it may have crashed or stopped)

I expected this:

No response

Is there a workaround?

No response

Anything else?

No response

Wing Version

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Node.js Version

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