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Unclear error message when an immutable object is being lifted to inflight #6566

Open staycoolcall911 opened 1 month ago

staycoolcall911 commented 1 month ago

I tried this:

let a = MutArray<num> [1,2];
a.push(3); //succeeds because a is mutable

test "mutability disabled on inflight error message should be improved" { // test syntax currently implies inflight, so referenced preflight expressions are lifted by the compiler 
  a.push(4); //fails because during lifting a was implicitly converted to immutable

This happened:

Compiler error within the test block:

error: Member "push" doesn't exist in "Array"
  --> wing/main.w:5:5
5 |   a.push(4);
  |     ^^^^

I expected this:

In #6258 we added the compiler behavior to convert mutable preflight expressions to immutable when lifting them to inflight. So, I was expecting calling a.push() inflight to fail, but it is unclear from the error message that a is not mutable anymore or what should I do.

I would expect an error message in the spirit of: Preflight "MutArray" object was implicitly converted to "Array" when lifting to inflight - for additional information please see

Important to note that if I would use a non existing method name (e.g. a.pushhhh()), I would still expect to get the current error message: error: Member "pushhhh" doesn't exist in "Array".

Is there a workaround?

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Anything else?

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