winglang / wing

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Wing Console errors don't support ASCII colors #6582

Open eladb opened 1 month ago

eladb commented 1 month ago

I tried this:

bring expect;

expect.equal(["en"], []);

This happened:

Failed to compile.

Error: Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:
+ actual - expected

+ [
+   'en'
+ ]
- []
   --> src/manager.test.w:15:1
   |   model: model,
   | );
15 | expect.equal(manager.allLanguages, []);
   | ^
at /Users/eladb/playground/believe-in-serverless/src/manager.test.w:15:1

I expected this:

To have ASCII colors!

Is there a workaround?

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Anything else?

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