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console icon for custom resources #6587

Closed ekeren closed 1 month ago

ekeren commented 1 month ago

Use Case

You can now decide which icon is going to be seen on wing console

Notice that in the following image: image

We are missing information to what is a dynamoDb and what is python lambda.

Proposed Solution

Have some standards for icons of resources, using thenode.display mechanism

Implementation Notes

Notice that we need this to work on winglibgs as well, so we need to make sure files are packed.

We can also decide to go extra lean and implemented this with a base64 version of an SVG

this.display.iconBase64 = "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlODc2NjQ4IC04Ny4yNzY5NDUsMjguMjA2NzI4IC04Ni43MTQ0NDUsMjcuNzM3OTcxIEMgLTg2LjE1MTk0OCwyNy4yNjkyMyAtODUuMzQzMzU3LDI3LjAzNDg1NiAtODQuMjg4NjY4LDI3LjAzNDg0NyBDIC04My44MDgyMDQsMjcuMDM0ODU2IC04My4zMTQwNjUsMjcuMDcwOTg4IC04Mi44MDYyNDgsMjcuMTQzMjQ1IEMgLTgyLjI5ODQ0MywyNy4yMTU1MTkgLTgxLjc3MzA1NCwyNy4zMjM5MTcgLTgxLjIzMDA3OSwyNy40Njg0NCBMIC04MS4yMzAwNzksMjcuNDY4NDQgeiIgaWQ9InRleHQyMzMxIiB0cmFuc2Zvcm09Im1hdHJpeCgwLCAtMC44OTMyMTUsIDEuMTE5NTUsIDAsIDAsIDApIi8+Cjwvc3ZnPg==" 

But I think that an external svg file is preferred (we just need to make sure it is packed)


No response

Community Notes

polamoros commented 1 month ago

As @ainvoner proposed, I would add support for heroicons (the ones we already use in the console).

To use them, you would define the icon as follows:

import cloud;

let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();

// icon id from
nodeof(bucket).icon = "inbox-stack";
ainvoner commented 1 month ago


ekeren commented 1 month ago

Great suggestion ❤️

polamoros commented 1 month ago

here is a working example

bring cloud;

let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
nodeof(bucket).icon = "academic-cap";
nodeof(bucket).color = "red";
bring cloud;

let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
nodeof(bucket).icon = "invalid icon";
nodeof(bucket).color = "invalid color";

also working for custom resources

ekeren commented 1 month ago

@polamoros / @ainvoner , what would you use for python lambda?

I couldn't find anything in hercoicons that looks like this

(Maybe giving it the option to create an SVG in base64 is a good low hanging fruit failover)?

ainvoner commented 1 month ago

I would use the lightning of cloud.Function in a different color than our default in the Python lambda custom resource

ekeren commented 1 month ago

lightning of cloud.Function in a fuchsia color

Good idea, @eladcon fyi

monadabot commented 1 month ago

Congrats! :rocket: This was released in Wing 0.74.23.