Open MattyBalaam opened 7 months ago
@MattyBalaam hmm I would expect remix to return a valid Headers object, which would mean it should return the following
HeadersList {
cookies: [ 'cookie1=value1', 'cookie2=value2' ],
[Symbol(headers map)]: Map(1) {
'set-cookie' => { name: 'Set-Cookie', value: 'cookie1=value1, cookie2=value2' }
[Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null
But what I receive from remix is an object containing an array value in headers, which is not compliant with the apigwV1 model
headers: {
'content-type': 'text/html',
'set-cookie': [ 'cookie1=chocolate-chip', 'cookie2=oatmeal' ]
Created a PR with a workaround 👉 #15
meantime, could you try using comma delimiters?
const session1 = await commiSession1()
const session2 = await commiSession2()
return json(
{ success: true },
headers: {
"Set-Cookie": `${session1}, ${session2}`
🙏 merged to develop and published a beta version 👉 1.3.0-beta.1
Following the pattern outlined here of setting multiple headers works in local node environment:
However, when running using the createRequestHandler from this package (only tried using AWSProxy.APIGatewayV1) only the last cookie is set.
Looking at the code it may be because you are not returning
, justheaders