wingo / pictie

C++-to-webassembly testbed, in the form of a simple graphics library
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Reduce allocation rate for accessing pixels #4

Open wingo opened 5 years ago

wingo commented 5 years ago

It's probably obvious in hindsight, but treating pixels as std::vector<Color> means that every time you read a pixel, you allocate a Color object. In wasm or native compilation this isn't an issue as the compiler does a good job. But if you pass a vector of colors to JavaScript, it gets terrible: each pixel gets a heap allocation that needs to be freed, either explicitly or via a finalizer.

We could change pixels to be "value objects", meaning that when JS sees them, it sees only {r:10,b:20,g:30} or the like, with no prototype and no methods. That would allocate them via the JS GC, which does well at short-lived allocations like this. Or we could just change to be uint32_t RGBA pixels, which is probably best.

Anyway, an interesting lesson learned here!