wingspan / wingspan-forms

A dynamic form library for Facebook React, providing abstractions for building dynamic forms and controlled grids. Widgets provided by Telerik's KendoUI.
MIT License
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Work with Browserify #76

Open timothyjlaurent opened 9 years ago

timothyjlaurent commented 9 years ago

I know this may be beyond the scope of this project, but I am beginning a React/Flux app using Reflux and the Browserify based workflow in the Flux Todomvc Tutorial.

I am pretty new to AMD but it looks rather like Angular dependency injection -- Is there a good way I could import wingspan-forms into by Browerify-based workflow?


dustingetz commented 9 years ago

the wingpan-forms build will generate a file wingspan-forms.js which is standalone - e.g. you can include it through a <script> tag. The helloworld example shows how to do it if you want a working example.

dustingetz commented 9 years ago

So to be clear, requirejs/AMD is optional.

timothyjlaurent commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that helps a lot!

newyankeecodeshop commented 9 years ago

Is there anything we need to do here?

newyankeecodeshop commented 9 years ago

@dustingetz In the bower.json file, shouldn't "require.js" and "almond.js" be under "devDependencies" and not "dependencies". They are not needed for production as your comment above states. In bower terms, they are just development dependencies, right?

dustingetz commented 9 years ago

I think you may be right for almond.js, require.js will be needed at runtime if the concatenated build is ommitted