winlibs / wineditline

An EditLine API implementation for the native Windows Console.
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Supporting rl_callback_handler_install and rl_callback_read_char? #9

Open nahkampf opened 3 months ago

nahkampf commented 3 months ago

I was wondering why wineditline does not support rl_callback_handler_install and rl_callback_read_char? Is it a design choice (for whatever reason) or are the technical barriers that cannot be overcome in the windows environment?

The reason I'm asking is because I (both in my line of work and on my spare time) do a lot of CLI tools in PHP (which, in its windows flavour uses wineditline), and not being able to detect keypresses makes some TUI paradigms completely impossible. Please don't take this as criticism, I am genuinely wondering if this has been omitted for some technical reason I'm unaware of, or if it has been left out for some other reason.

cmb69 commented 4 weeks ago

Note that this repo is basically a fork of, which is mainly used to build the dependency for PHP's readline extensions. We only do minimal patches to conform to our expectations. As such, this feature request should be filed upstream (although the upstream project seems to be dormant).