winmarkltd / BootstrapFormHelpers

Bootstrap Form Helpers
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Datepicker bug in IE9 #129

Closed Khrysller closed 10 years ago

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

One of the days rows did not get styled. dp

vlamanna commented 10 years ago

Can you add a screenshot?

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

yes, just added. thanks

vlamanna commented 10 years ago

Should be fixed in 957be5c14c6304227ae4af96ff9094d1fcb8a4a3

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

Hi. Why the datepicker comes with the input field disabled? As it is, when I submit the form, I am not able to get the value. How can I enable the field? datahora

vlamanna commented 10 years ago


The field is not disabled, it is set to readonly. How are you trying to get the value?

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

Yes, I am. Before the last update I was able to get the value. I am submiting a form using post.

vlamanna commented 10 years ago

Can you copy paste the code you are using to get the value?

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

< form action="anotherpage.asp" class="form-horizontal top-margin-medium" role="form" method="post"> < div class="bfh-datepicker" name="DataFinal" data-format="d/m/y">

< /form>

and in the anotherpage.asp page

<% DataFinal= Request.Form("DataFinal") %>

If the field is readonly I am not able to get the value. There is a flag I can remove the readonly? Thanks

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

I think the situation is more than I was thinking.. I looked into .JS and removed the readonly tag... so now to field is without the readonly... and saw to chnages you made to minimize the amount of code inside the html... and it still do no sent the you generate it in the JS now... maybe is is prevent the form to get the id to send the form value? I dunno what to do... in the last version i was able to send the value using this code:


Khrysller commented 10 years ago

I just updated with the last CSS and JS but still not able to get the values after the change you made in the way generate the input, the calendar, the controls... I don't have the JS and CSS file that works in the way it worked anymore. I am thinking about to switch to the last version that worked (the one you have to put everything in the html), but I don't have the files. Can you please point me? Thanks

vlamanna commented 10 years ago


Can you try changing name="DataFinal" to data-name="DataFinal"?

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

I was just in debug and found the input field wasn't getting the name... the field name is empty. How can I send the name to the input field? Thanks

This is the debug line: "< input class="form-control" type="text" name="" data-original-title="" title="">"

This is what i was doing: < div class="bfh-datepicker" name="DataInicial" data-format="d/m/y">

vlamanna commented 10 years ago

Using data-name="DataFinal".

Khrysller commented 10 years ago

My bad, sorry for do not understand the Options you already have doc in. I was only blind by the code itself. Works fine now. Thanks for the patience

vlamanna commented 10 years ago
