winnekes / itypescript

ITypescript is a typescript kernel for the Jupyter notebook (A modified version of IJavascript)
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Upgrade to the latest TypeScript version and document a way to do that #7

Open umrashrf opened 5 years ago

umrashrf commented 5 years ago

Upgrading it to the latest version of TypeScript would be great. This issue is to document the process to do that so anyone can start working on this.

bgnkim commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I have updated the version of Typescript to 3.3.3333. You can adjust the version of it by modifying package.json file of ITypescript and re-install it:

Also, I added some documentation on the code to encourage the modification of others. Thanks for valuable feedback!

umrashrf commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to link changes you made with issue? You probably directly pushed to the master.

bgnkim commented 5 years ago

Oh, I'm afraid that I forgot to reference the issue. The commit was 7f66b0bcecc87724ace59c3bff18969f68a4dd70. To check the difference, you can examine package.json file.