winshining / nginx-http-flv-module

A media streaming server based on nginx-rtmp-module. In addtion to the features nginx-rtmp-module provides, HTTP-FLV, GOP cache, VHosts (one IP for multi domain names) and JSON style statistics are supported now.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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[bug] Directory Permissions error when moving to nginx 1.26 #264

Closed streamingsystems closed 1 month ago

streamingsystems commented 2 months ago


We have been running nginx 1.24 perfectly. We create HLS into a directory with these permissions:

drwxrwsr-x+ 18 nginx ss 360 May 5 13:08 hls_live

The permissions are 2775. Based on our environment we need these permissions.

This module in 1.24 properly creates the directories in the hls_live root directory:

drwxrwsr-x+ 2 nginx ss 260 May 5 11:31 hls_dir1 drwxrwsr-x+ 2 nginx ss 260 May 5 11:31 hls_dir2

However, when we moved to 1.26 now this module is creating the directories with this:

drwxr-Sr--+ 2 nginx ss 300 May 5 13:13 hls_dir1 drwxr-Sr--+ 2 nginx ss 300 May 5 13:13 hls_dir2

We did not do anything except upgrade to 1.26, nothing else changed.

Expected behavior (期望行为)

Keep permissions.

Actual behavior (实际行为)

Changed permissions.

OS and Nginx version (操作系统和 Nginx 版本号)

nginx 1.26, Rocky Linux

Configuration file (配置文件)

live on; wait_key on; allow publish all; allow play all; gop_cache off;

        hls on;
        hls_path /var/www/html/hls_live;
        hls_nested on;
        hls_fragment 10s;
        hls_playlist_length 30s;
        hls_continuous on;
        hls_cleanup on;
        hls_fragment_naming sequential;
        hls_fragment_slicing plain;
        hls_type live;

Steps to reproduce the behavior (复现问题步骤)

Error log if any (错误日志)