winston / google_visualr

A Ruby Gem for the Google Visualization API. Write Ruby code. Generate Javascript. Display a Google Chart.
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google_visualr conflict with ActiveAdmin/devise? #114

Open dhock194 opened 7 years ago

dhock194 commented 7 years ago

I have used google_visualr for one app -- works great. I then built another, leveraging ActiveAdmin to manage the backend, which uses Devise ( for authentication. Everything working for ActiceAdmin/Devise, but as I just add back the google_visualr gem, and restart puma for test, I get the following error. Looks like possibly Devise and google_visualr have conflicting helper methods?

google_visualr/app/helpers/view_helper.rb:7:in block in <module:ViewHelper>': undefined methodhelper_method' for ActionController::API:Class (NoMethodError)

Has anyone run into this, resolution or workaround for this?

Shekharrajak commented 7 years ago

Sometime I see similar error when I run rails s . But I found that after fixing some syntax error in my controller , it is working fine.

dhock194 commented 7 years ago

I just did a test, creating a new rails app (-d mysql being the only modifier), added the ActiveAdmin gem, ran generate/install for aa, and a db:migrate -- basic but works fine. I then just add gem "google_visualr", "~> 2.5.1", and rails s no longer runs. No controllers have been created, other than by the AA install, so not sure where to look for a syntax error as you mentioned.