winstonma / RPi-MagicMirror-Waveshare

Script that show MagicMirror content on Waveshare E-Ink device
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link

Color display support? #4

Open Coernel82 opened 1 year ago

Coernel82 commented 1 year ago

Let me kindly ask: The epaper-library of includes the waveshare color displays. Would your script work with a color display as well?

winstonma commented 1 year ago

I never test it but I strongly believe that as long as the module is included in Waveshare offiical repo and it can be configured in config.cfg, then everything should work fine.

My script just use selenium to create a image snapshot, and then feed the image to the e-paper (through the waveshare-epaper module. And the image color didn't get modified in the process.