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I sure got mindlessly bored this weekend! #26

Closed vpopp closed 7 years ago

vpopp commented 7 years ago

added form error messages, fixed model validation error, fixed routin…g when validations fail, added basic validations for the project and feedback model, tweaked the display of the images and video if they do not exists,added feedback approval functionality, cleaned up page titles, added placeholders to form field, added fancy-ness to feedback

Changes: -Modified routes file within config to add feedbacks.projects interaction (needed to next change) -Fixed feedback table on feedback index page to show project names instead of project ids. -Added a little more consistency around the site all all page names are within h2 tags (except for welcome) -Changed welcome css (changed container ids 960px) -Continued making code look pretty. (not all code has been updated) -Removed visibility checkbox on project show pages. (this was originally used to help testing) -Feedback is now only visible after they are approve using the feedback page interactions. -Added custom text to form buttons -removed contacts.html.erb from project view folder (this was kinda copied to contacts view folder earlier) -Spiced up the feedback portion of the project show page. -Added a conditional message to project show page that shows only if no feedback has been approved on the project. -Added html-like placeholders on forms (like there are on the contacts). -Changed project index/show to not show picture error if no picture link has been made. -Changed project show to have different text if video is added or not. -bolded project names on the project index page. -Model validations have been added (projects now require [name, description] and feedbacks require [title{internal name}/subject{public name}, and body] -Fixed redirect upon failed validations -Edited Project controller to give it pluralized consistency (this was to fix issues when trying to make error messages upon failed validation) -Added error messages after failing validations (only for projects)