winter-fall / Bye2015Hi2016

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2015 Summary #4

Open haoel opened 8 years ago

haoel commented 8 years ago

Thanks @liaohuqiu invites me to this organization. And I prefer to use English to write my 2015 here (and sorry for my bad English) ;-)

To be honest, I almost messed up my 2015. It looks like a midlife crisis.

The symptom of bad lucks should start from the end of 2014. I met three major issues at same time:

  1. My old father got a very serious health issue, and I have to spend lots of time and efforts to travel between HangZhou and Kunming so many times to take care my parents.
  2. My Beijing working permit were revoked, because my ex-employer's illegal operations, and they lied me twice, the first time HR lied that Beijing government changed the policies (actually government is not), the second time, HR lied they will help me everything(actually they didn't).
  3. My ex-boss give me really bad performance, because I don't want to use my blog and weibo advertise my ex-employer's products, and my ex-boss took all of my team members to other place and forbidden me to hire anyone...

It's really a nightmare, those three things came together. I felt helpless, and I had communicated with my boss and HR many times, I hope they can give me a hand or some understanding. However, they just had been cold and keep pushing me by KPI. In that time, I felt very alone, I almost cried while I communicated with HR.

Anyway, you need learn how to face the bad situation by yourself, and this is not the first time my life had been fucked! And I think this is another chance could steel myself just like before I did, not a big deal, everything will be better.

I almost spent 10 months to solve all of the problems. Taking my farther to Beijing hospital, and the surgery is almost successful. Running around so many places to settle my kid can go to school. Resigning my job is really tough, because I need they pay me something instead of leaving with nothing, and the big issue is my ex-employer does not want to apologize and make up for me, and they tried to decline facts. I am so angry, and went to the intranet wrote a post to ask HR to express everything by themselves(I gave them several chance to explain everything), however, they didn't, they try to cover it, so I have to tell the truth there, as expected I got fired. Yes, I am free with obtaining the deserved indemnity. But my post has been leaked to the Internet, and got lots of gossips. Shit!

Whatever, that's the life, I have to move on.

I spent so much time and efforts to learn Docker, this is really cool techniques and I believe it is the future. and I have lots of better understanding about DevOps, and how to run a cloud platform efficiently

I traveled to US in April, and visiting many places in the west and middle of USA. there are so many beautiful landscape really impress me, and I went to Bay Area to visit some cool startup there, really impressive. During my trip, I noticed Docker Inc. was hiring a general manager in China, so, I wrote an application to Docker Inc, as expected, I got the interview opportunity, and I got acknowledged by them, but Docker Inc. seems cancelled to setup a China branch. Anyway, it's a good experience.

After that, I quit my job with really tough negotiation , and I got so many invitations from other companies. Almost all of the cloud companies except B.A.T. in China, and many startup, and even Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. And I actually got some offers with really well compensation. But I actually cannot go for it, because there are a couples of things are my major concerns, one is about my family, I have to spend lots of time to take care, so I cannot have job with fixed working hours, and another one is my dream - setup a startup with pure engineering culture, or build something valuable for people. I actually feel I am getting old and probably I only have last chance to pursued them. But I know I have many things need to learn, I cannot rush, the time you have less, the calculation time you need more.

During the interim period, I provide some technical consulting for some startup, meanwhile, I can learn how to run a startup from them. The languages I supported have PHP, Java, C++, Go, Javascript, Shell, etc. The engineering works I supported have Architect, Algorithm, Design, Refectory, Performance Tuning, Ops tools, etc, The management works I supported have Project management, Hiring, Team building, Engineering process, etc. Yes, I did help them a lot, but I am very tired as well.

Now, I am still looking forward to find some people likes me to setup a startup. I know it's really really difficult, I don't know how far I can go, but that is what I am - to experience the crazy things.

2016, I am coming.......

Skykai521 commented 8 years ago


waylife commented 8 years ago

May everything go well.

liaohuqiu commented 8 years ago











             《我和这个世界不熟》-- 北岛


andyiac commented 8 years ago


jasonross commented 8 years ago


cxyxlxdm commented 8 years ago


dengshiwei commented 8 years ago

我的座右铭,做一个 敲代码的2B文艺青年啊

shinyjacklee commented 8 years ago

Life sucks,nevertheless we are still here,in the sun. All is well,a very perfect film, i wanna use this here,Let's say ALL IS WELL. God bless all those kind man,come on ! : )

SherlockOy commented 8 years ago

Many times I dreamed about the same thing as you dreamed, many times I had to persuade myself that I still need time to grow up, this time also. I do want to give you a hand although my power is weak. So all I can do for you is just pray for you. Give yourself a little faith, I believe in you, and hope everything goes well there.

ryanhoo commented 8 years ago

You know what? Cheer up and fuck them.

ryanhoo commented 8 years ago

I guess those feelings are far from I can take. Which reminds me of this, a desperate mother said

The rage. 那种愤怒 It overtakes you. 压倒了你 The fury. 怒不可竭 You try to let it go. 你想排解掉 I prayed for it. 我为之祈祷 But it consumes you. 但是那种感觉吞噬着你 That's all there is. 无处不在 There is no peace. 毫无片刻宁静 There's just noise. 只有噪音 Like static, constant and loud. 一直持续不断的噪音 震耳欲聋 You can't eat, you can't sleep. 你吃不下 睡不着 You can't look at other people's children. 不能看别人家的孩子 You f-feel like your insides... 你感觉你的内心... are on fire. 有熊熊火焰 You stop living. 你停止了生活

But you know, never give up, never surrender, we must move on. 2016, let's make something different.

androidmalin commented 8 years ago

《假如生活欺骗了你》 普希金 假如生活欺骗了你 假如生活欺骗了你, 不要悲伤,不要心急! 忧郁的日子里须要镇静: 相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临! 心儿永远向往着未来; 现在却常是忧郁。 一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去; 而那过去了的,就会成为亲切的怀恋。

《相信未来》 作者 食指 当灰烬的余烟叹息着贫困的悲哀, 我依然固执地铺平失望的灰烬, 用美丽的雪花写下:相信未来。 当我的紫葡萄化为深秋的露水, 当我的鲜花依偎在别人的情怀, 我依然固执地用凝霜的枯藤, 在凄凉的大地上写下:相信未来。 我要用手指那涌向天边的排浪, 我要用手撑那托起太阳的大海, 摇曳着曙光那支温暖漂亮的笔杆, 用孩子的笔体写下:相信未来。 我之所以坚定地相信未来, 是我相信未来人们的眼睛—— 她有拨开历史风尘的睫毛, 她有看透岁月篇章的瞳孔。 不管人们对于我们腐烂的皮肉, 那些迷途的惆怅,失败的苦痛, 是寄予感动的热泪,深切的同情, 还是给以轻蔑的微笑,辛辣的嘲讽。 我坚信人们对于我们的脊骨, 那无数次地探索、迷途、失败和成功, 一定会给予热情、客观、公正的评定, 是的,我焦急地等待着他们的评定。 朋友,坚定地相信未来吧, 相信不屈不挠的努力, 相信战胜死亡的年轻, 相信未来,热爱生命。 1968年

Best wishes to you,Everything is going well,in 2016!

haoel commented 8 years ago

Many thanks for your guys encouragement, you all are so sweet.

Let's team up, grow up, and never give up.

kujian commented 8 years ago

生活打不倒我,它会让我变得更坚强,更自信。祝:2016 遇到更多的美好。

Fichardu commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your sharing. Best wishes.

dengshiwei commented 8 years ago


xiaopeifeng commented 8 years ago

Come on, all the bad luck has gone.

ZanderZhang commented 8 years ago

keep going, I said to myself everyday.

lbrant commented 8 years ago

2015 messed up and fucked by life, but we have to move on, do something love is so exciting, go! go!

devilsen commented 8 years ago


gaopenghigh commented 8 years ago

Learned a lot from your blogs, learned even more from your attitude as an engineer. Thank you, Good luck.

leveme commented 8 years ago

These are life experiences.

sylcrq commented 8 years ago


BaronZ commented 8 years ago


ronanhardiman commented 8 years ago


jinguiwu commented 8 years ago

may you everything great.

WoodJim commented 8 years ago

just fighting for your dream

jellycookie commented 8 years ago

good luck man

qiugang commented 8 years ago

Best wishes!

haotie1990 commented 8 years ago


citynight commented 8 years ago


lizhenghui commented 8 years ago

Best wishes for you!

dasunsy commented 8 years ago

Keep moving! Best wishes for u.

jinfengli commented 8 years ago

hope everything goes well.

TonyChiangUSA commented 8 years ago

Best wishes

786c66 commented 8 years ago

支持耗子叔,从你的博客收获很多。come on

johncaijing commented 8 years ago

Best wishes! Everything will be okay.

snzang commented 8 years ago


agile6v commented 8 years ago

Your life is rather wonderful. Best wishes!

captain-miao commented 8 years ago

Best wishes! Everything will be okay.

flyfire commented 8 years ago

Best wishes~May everything be ok!

maoruibin commented 8 years ago

2016,愿一切都好~ 加油!

JiaQi2015 commented 8 years ago

2016 Go For It

kapop commented 8 years ago


opsnull commented 8 years ago

You are never too old to do something! JUST DO IT! Best Wishes!

xxks-kkk commented 8 years ago

May the force be with you :dancer:

fancymax commented 8 years ago


onlinedj commented 8 years ago

Wish you start up your own company in 2016.

MiracleWong commented 8 years ago

Best wishes!