winterTTr / ace-jump-mode

a quick cursor jump mode for emacs
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Not good for support chinese #86

Open lujianmei opened 8 years ago

lujianmei commented 8 years ago

I would like to use this for jumping between Chinese characters. But some of the Chinese characters can be found, but some of these could not be found, and there is no difference between these characters. Following is my configuration:

(use-package ace-isearch :config (progn (global-ace-isearch-mode +1) ;; start this for global ;;(setq ace-isearch-funtion-from-isearch 'swoop-from-isearch) ; need to install swoop ;;(define-key swoop-map (kbd "C-s") 'swoop-action-goto-line-next) ;;(define-key swoop-map (kbd "C-r") 'swoop-action-goto-line-prev) (setq ace-isearch-funtion-from-isearch 'helm-swoop-from-isearch) ;; (setq ace-isearch-funtion-from-isearch 'helm-occur-from-isearch) ; alternative way ;; blew configuration can be support for Chinese (defadvice ace-jump-char-category (around adv-ace-jump-support-umlauts activate) (unless (= (char-syntax (ad-get-arg 0)) ?w) ad-do-it) (setq ad-return-value 'alpha)) ;; base configuration (custom-set-variables '(ace-isearch-input-length 7) '(ace-isearch-jump-delay 0.25) '(ace-isearch-function 'ace-jump-word-mode) ;;'(ace-isearch-function 'avy-goto-char) '(ace-isearch-use-jump 'printing-char)) (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-'") 'ace-isearch-jump-during-isearch) ) )

And here is a Chinese paragraph,

在实际使用时,如果我需要定位到当前屏幕的具体位置时,则输入第一个字母,然后稍等一下,即启动ace-jump-mode,屏幕此时会Mark上和我输入的首字母相同的位置,并通过不同和字母显示位置,我们只需要根据它显示的位置输入显示的字母,即可完成精准定位。 但当我需要输入一个单词进行搜索时,则输入内容在1-6个字母时,采用的是isearch,即字母完全匹配的全文搜索模式。 当字母大于6个时,即自动启动helm-swoop模式,进行快速选择。

"在" , "则", "即", these characters can be marked. But i tested some characers such as "的", "一", can not be found. Is there a way to solve this? Thanks.