winterbe / jest-teamcity-reporter

Teamcity Reporter for Jest Unittest Results
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When this is used with jest 18.0.0 the exit code is 0 instead of 1 with failed tests. #6

Closed sontek closed 7 years ago

sontek commented 7 years ago

I originally reported here before I realized it was this plugin that made it not work:

Any ideas why?

dagstuan commented 7 years ago

@sontek: Jest 18 had a breaking change where "the testResultsProcessor function is now required to return the modified results". This made the plugin fail. The author seems to have fixed it on github, but still haven't released an updated npm package. In the meantime I updated my package.json to fetch from github instead, such as this: "jest-teamcity-reporter": "git://"

winterbe commented 7 years ago

Happy new year. I've published version 0.3.0. This should fix the issue.