wintercg / proposal-common-minimum-api
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Expected `fetch` to be in the common minimum API #27

Closed timfish closed 11 months ago

timfish commented 1 year ago

Already exists in at least Cloudflare Workers, Deno and Node.js...

benjamingr commented 1 year ago

Sure, see

timfish commented 1 year ago

Oh it even has it's own repository!

Should it not also be listed under globalThis here?

sashafirsov commented 1 year ago

fetch is just one of API for data retrieval. How valuable would be other venues for common minimum API?

Following kind of questions could help with value matrix:

andreubotella commented 1 year ago

If fetch is added to the common minimum API, the WebAssembly Web API, which defines WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming and WebAssembly.compileStreaming, should be added as well. It can't be added currently because it relies on the Response interface.

andreubotella commented 11 months ago

fetch and the wasm Web API are now added.