wintercg / runtime-keys
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Initial Proposal #2

Closed Ethan-Arrowood closed 1 year ago

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

This PR adds the initial proposal.

Before this is merged, we need to seek approval from the various runtimes represented in this initial draft. The following list matches the list of keys included in this initial draft. Each runtime is either linked to a discussion/issues/post requesting approval from the relative project, or someone apart of WinterCG who can represent the runtime is tagged.

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

Our charter accurately established our the groups goals:

The Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group (wintercg) is intended to augment the work of other existing community and working groups focusing on the development of Web Platform features and APIs by focusing directly on the specific needs of non-Web Browser based implementations.

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

Just want to verify that we are not specifying runtime API compatibility with this

Yes, this is articulated in the specification:

If you believe this can be better articulated please leave some feedback!

jacob-ebey commented 1 year ago

Is the second part to the quote you cut short accurate?

but rather what runtime owns specific keys for "exports" / "imports".

Beyond that it feels like this proposal doesn't accomplish much, and if it is in fact part of, if not the whole goal, the number of keys should be limited and not open for anyone who forks a runtime, otherwise that switch statement above will just grow and grow with more unique keys with the same underlying meaning.

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

As I've mentioned previously, this proposal is not dictating how they are meant to be used. It is acting as a registry to be used however folks see fit. That is the purpose of this proposal.

If you disagree with the effectiveness of this proposal you are welcome to ignore it and build your tools and modules however you see fit.

lucacasonato commented 1 year ago

Discussed in today's meeting:

maxpassion commented 1 year ago

Hello all, I'd like to propose adding the following runtime keys as discussed in the previous teleconference.

Alibaba Cloud - edge-routine## {edge-routine}

The JavaScript/Webassembly runtime that powers Alibaba Cloud edge-routine. Key:  edge-routine Website: [] (

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

Hi folks, I've adjusted the proposal to reflect recent feedback. Summary:

We are still in the process of rebranding, but this new name and key represents our intended changes. Thank you again for the feedback!

QuiiBz commented 1 year ago

Hi, as discussed on the WG chat, I would like to add another key for Lagon, an open-source runtime and platform I'm working on. This project is not backed by a big company or a VC but is bootstrapped and driven by the community. It's currently in development but will be stable in 2023:

## Lagon - Lagon Runtime ## {#lagon}

Lagon is an open-source runtime and platform that allows developers to run TypeScript and JavaScript Functions at the Edge.

Key: `lagon`

Website: [](

Repository: [](