wintercms / wn-pages-plugin

Static Pages plugin for Winter CMS
MIT License
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Template not recognized #16

Closed pierzo closed 1 year ago

pierzo commented 1 year ago

Hi, yesterday I have install fresh (web installer) wintercms. Add winter.pages plugin. To my template add static page component as usual. Then on ma new static page I chose my template. But I get an error.

ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Twig\Environment::loadTemplate(), 1 passed in /usr/home/Eternia/domains/ on line 79 and at least 2 expected in /usr/home/Eternia/domains/

Same error as if I do not hook up template to static page. I so far try to chose another template / turn off plugins, same result, same error.


mjauvin commented 1 year ago

how did you install winter.pages plugin?you must use latest version that resolves this problem.

LukeTowers commented 1 year ago

@mjauvin is correct, update to the latest version of the plugin by using composer.