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cabal build问题? #14

Closed boboyada closed 7 years ago

boboyada commented 7 years ago

git clone cd ./magic-haskell/code cabal sandbox init cabal install --only-dependencies 都可以通过了 但cabal build 有问题 C:\Users\yangboant\magic-haskell\code>cabal build Building code- Preprocessing executable 'arg-parser' for code-

: error: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be generated because there is no Main module.
winterland1989 commented 7 years ago

你把ArgParser.hs文件的第一行改成module Main where可以么?另外你的cabal是什么版本的?

boboyada commented 7 years ago

我在windows10环境里,安装的是最新的haskell-playform 8.01,cabal 升级到了最新的版本。

另外,在ubuntu 16.10的环境下,通过sudo apt install haskell-platform,安装的是7。10。3版本,cabal是1。22。9的版本。出现的问题,则更多些。 boboant@boboant-ThinkPad-W530:~/magic-haskell/code$ sudo cabal install --only-dependencies Resolving dependencies... cabal: Could not resolve dependencies: trying: code- (user goal) trying: base- (dependency of code- trying: monad-logger- (dependency of code- trying: conduit-extra-1.1.15 (dependency of monad-logger- trying: primitive- (dependency of conduit-extra-1.1.15) trying: attoparsec- (dependency of conduit-extra-1.1.15) trying: scientific- (dependency of attoparsec- next goal: vector (dependency of scientific- rejecting: vector-, (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>= && <0.6.2) rejecting: vector-,,,,,, (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>= && <0.6) rejecting: vector-, 0.10 (conflict: base==, vector => base>=4 && <4.7) rejecting: vector-0.9.1, 0.9 (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>= && <0.5) rejecting: vector-0.8 (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>=0.4 && <0.5) rejecting: vector-0.7.1,, 0.7 (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>=0.3.1 && <0.4) rejecting: vector-,, 0.6 (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>=0.3 && <0.4) rejecting: vector-0.5 (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>=0.2 && <0.3) rejecting: vector-0.4.2, 0.4.1, 0.4, 0.3.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 (conflict: scientific => vector>=0.5 && <0.12) rejecting: vector-, (conflict: primitive==, vector => primitive>= && <0.6) Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).

Note: when using a sandbox, all packages are required to have consistent dependencies. Try reinstalling/unregistering the offending packages or recreating the sandbox.

boboyada commented 7 years ago


winterland1989 commented 7 years ago

我自己试了一下,除了之前你说的transformer的版本限制需要放宽之外(已经修改), 最容易产生问题的是下面这个范例:

executable database
  main-is:             Database.hs
  -- other-modules:       
  build-depends:       base >=4.7 && <5
                       , transformers
                       , persistent >=2.1 
                       , persistent-sqlite >=2.1 
                       , persistent-template >=2.1
                       , monad-logger >=0.3 
                       , esqueleto >= 2.4
  default-language:    Haskell2010

报错的原因是esqueleto已经暂停维护接近一年了,详见 , 导致它的很多递归依赖已经和最新的版本冲突了,好在目前已经有人准备接手更新这个函数库了。这里暂时建议你把上面那一段从cabal文件里删掉,以免影响其他范例,等到esqueleto发版之后我会尽快补上新的版本范围。开源社区就是这样,很多时候都取决于贡献者的业余时间,所以也请谅解。

boboyada commented 7 years ago

按照你的建议,我把code.sandbox中的database模块删除了, sudo cabal install --only dependencies 一切正常。 但是,运行如下命令时,却出现奇怪的错误 请问您是在哪些环境下调试成功的? sudo cabal build The sandbox was created after the package was already configured. Re-configuring with most recently used options. If this fails, please run configure manually. Resolving dependencies... Configuring code- Building code- Preprocessing executable 'arg-parser' for code- [1 of 1] Compiling ArgParser ( ArgParser.hs, dist/build/arg-parser/arg-parser-tmp/ArgParser.o )

ArgParser.hs:13:5: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:14:5: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:18:5: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:24:9: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:25:9: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:32:9: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative)

ArgParser.hs:33:9: Not in scope: ‘<>’ Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘<$>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<*>’ (imported from Options.Applicative), ‘<|>’ (imported from Options.Applicative) boboant@boboant-ThinkPad-W530:~/magic-haskell/code$

boboyada commented 7 years ago

单独进入ghci, :load Lens 则可以正常运行。但无法按照readme的指令正常进行。还望作者帮助

winterland1989 commented 7 years ago

提示当前没有<>函数貌似是因为opts-applicative的一次breaking change之后不再导出,你只需要在ArgParser.hs文件的导入列表里新增如下导入即可:

import Data.Monoid


boboyada commented 7 years ago

谢放。确实,在添加后,确实没有错了。 但 执行如下命令运行范例:

第12章 透镜组

cabal run -- lens

sudo cabal run -- lens Preprocessing executable 'lens' for code- Warning: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be generated because there is no Main module. cabal: dist/build/lens/lens: does not exist

sudo cabal run -- arg-parser Preprocessing executable 'arg-parser' for code- Warning: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be generated because there is no Main module. cabal: dist/build/arg-parser/arg-parser: does not exist

sudo cabal run -- queens Preprocessing executable 'queens' for code- Warning: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be generated because there is no Main module. cabal: dist/build/queens/queens: does not exist

winterland1989 commented 7 years ago

首先我不是很理解此处你为什么需要sudo,这样的话很容易把文件夹的权限弄乱产生难以理解的错误,其次就是你试着把要运行的模块里的module XXX改成module Main试试,似乎你的cabal版本不支持非Main模块包含main函数。

PS: 我想我们的讨论还是转移到电邮比较好,这个repo的follower大部分是希望看到新的资料更新,或者是勘误更新的,类似你的这些问题并不是每个人都会遇到,所以麻烦把你的邮箱给我一下,如果你不习惯电邮的话,我可以通过邮箱发你我的微信或者QQ。

boboyada commented 7 years ago 1、 $cabal install cabal cabal-install 出现 Resolving dependencies... cabal: Could not resolve dependencies: trying: cabal- (user goal) next goal: youProbablyWantCapitalCabal (dependency of cabal- Dependency tree exhaustively searched. 无法升级, 2、cabal install cabal-install 成功,但是两者有和区别?,是否一个东西? $cabal --version cabal-install version using version of the Cabal library 还是老版本 3、网上也没有找到方案,请帮忙?

winterland1989 commented 7 years ago
