wion / textpattern.tmbundle

A TextMate 2 bundle for the Textpattern CMS templating language.
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info.plist #4

Open wion opened 3 years ago

wion commented 3 years ago

This file will need some reorganization after menu actions, #1, are assessed.

But, @4blubot, I have some questions, if you can answer them...

  1. I know what the excludedItems array is, but what is the difference between that and the deleted array?
  2. What are the deleted items in the deleted array? More specifically, do they even need to be indicated in the file as deleted? Which files in the bundle match the 'deleted' UUIDs?
  3. What is the ordering array at bottom of file for? I see many matching UUIDs with existing menu items, but it's purpose isn't clear to me.

Main goal at the moment is to get rid of the 'deleted' array from the file if those items are not even relevant to the bundle, and never will be.

4blubot commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I can't remember exactly. Could it be, that the deleted array is marking up erroneous code? As far as the ordering array goes, I can't remember right now. I can't make much sense of the language grammar either. Not after so many Years. I think it has to be rewritten from scratch, make it leaner and simpler, but I can't do it without looking at other grammers either.

rgrds, marios

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