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Endpoint for vertices that wrap media (photo, audio, pdf, etc) #122

Open ryanhinkel opened 9 years ago

ryanhinkel commented 9 years ago

There are certain vertex types, specifically those that wrap media objects, that should be

The photo is our classic example of this. It is not listed in the vertex schema (custom_vertex_fields). It is still available to all hosts. Thus it has a standard schema which doesn't change from host to host. It also has a custom view in the UI and the UI doesn't allow you to add to its successor set.

The problem: The /<vertex_type>/ and /<vertex_type>/id/ endpoints do not work for these vertex types because that endpoint uses the vertex schema determine what fields to save to the db.

This problem can be temporarily solved by adding a custom endpoint for each media type. However there is probably a better solution.