wire-elements / modal

Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.
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Modals not working in Laravel Jetstream #38

Closed karlgray closed 3 years ago

karlgray commented 3 years ago

I am new to Laravel, this being my first project so please forgive me if this is obvious I just spent an hour+ figuring this out and thought it may be useful to someone else.

In app.blade.php adding


Directly above @livewireScripts doesn't work. Modals will not work.

You have to add it above @stack('modals')

I am not sure why these conflict with each other like this?

sotten commented 3 years ago

Hey @karlgray,

I can't understand their error. I am using Laravel Jetstream with Livewire. Below is the body part of app.blade.php

// resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php

    <body class="font-sans antialiased">
        <x-jet-banner />

        <div class="min-h-screen bg-gray-100">

            <!-- Page Heading -->
            @if (isset($header))
                <header class="bg-white shadow">
                    <div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto py-6 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
                        {{ $header }}

            <!-- Page Content -->
                {{ $slot }}



Did you run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-ui:public --force?

You can also alternatively add require('../../vendor/livewire-ui/modal/resources/js/modal'); in resources/js/app.js, instead of @livewireUIScripts. After that you still need to run npm run dev.

// resources/js/app.js



I hope I could help you.

karlgray commented 3 years ago

I was going to post a response today. I spent last night trying to figure out what was going on... Came back today and tested it was the cause and confirmed.

It turns out that I screwed up. While trying to figure out the modals I had run this command. php artisan livewire:make modals.modal prior to installing livewire-ui/modals.

It was this that was causing the conflict. I have now deleted it (not actually needed) and this resolved the issue.

My apologies for this issue and any time you put into it @sotten