wire-elements / spotlight

Livewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
MIT License
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Shortcut arguments #10

Closed ryangjchandler closed 3 years ago

ryangjchandler commented 3 years ago

I think it could be cool for shortcuts to accept arguments.

An example might be a shortcut to visit a particular user profile, where the shortcut would be Visit user - hitting enter would allow you to enter some sort of identifier, I.e. username or email and then that would be made available to the shortcut handler.

PhiloNL commented 3 years ago

Hey @ryangjchandler

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm not sure I completely understand. Commands support dependencies, so your example would be something like:

class VisitUserCommand extends SpotlightCommand
    protected string $name = 'Visit user';

    public function dependencies(): ?SpotlightCommandDependencies
        return SpotlightCommandDependencies::collection()
                    ->setPlaceholder('Which use do you want to visit?')

    public function searchUser(Request $request, $query)
        return User::where('name', 'like', "%$query%")
            ->map(function($user) {
                return new SpotlightSearchResult(
                    sprintf('Visit %s', $user->name)

    public function execute(Spotlight $spotlight, User $user)
        $spotlight->redirectRoute('users.show', $user);

Is this what you are looking for, or did you mean something else? 😄

ryangjchandler commented 3 years ago

Yeah that covers it. The word dependency kind of threw me off...