wire-elements / wire-extender

Wire Extender allows you to embed any Livewire component on any website or even within a static HTML file.
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Asset loading issues when multiple present. #22

Open flatcapco opened 3 weeks ago

flatcapco commented 3 weeks ago

I did a little video to show. The right of the screen is how it should look. The left is how it currently looks and the video shows that if you change the order of the included assets then the tailwind cdn is loaded OR the flatpickr CDN is loaded.. so it looks like it confuses itself:


hopefully just me being stupid :)

flatcapco commented 3 weeks ago

I should add that if I simply pop the scripts at the top of the file within the first div. and only asset load the js files then it all works as expected

dircm commented 3 weeks ago

Can you post your blade view ?

dircm commented 3 weeks ago

With flatPickr (and just about all javascript element controlling utilities), when you have multiple instances on the same page you have to ensure you provide unique element references.

Here is a snippet from one of my laravel components that used flatPickr

    x-init="this.instance = flatpickr($refs.{{ $uniqueRef }}, {
        formatDate: function(date, format, locale) {
            return createLuxonObjectFromDate(date).toFormat(format);
        onChange: function(selectedDates, dateStr, _) {
            let selectedDateTime = createLuxonObjectFromDate(selectedDates[0])


            if (valueAndSelectedDateAreNotEqual(selectedDateTime)) {

    $watch('value', Alpine.debounce(() => {
        let selectedDateTime = createLuxonObjectFromDate(this.instance.selectedDates[0])

        if (valueAndSelectedDateAreNotEqual(selectedDateTime)) {
    }), 500)

    <input x-ref="{{ $uniqueRef }}" {{ $attributes->except('wire:model.live')->merge(['class' => 'form-input w-full rounded-md shadow-sm']) }} />

The important bit to note is the constructor flatpickr($refs.{{ $uniqueRef }}

and the input

<input x-ref="{{ $uniqueRef }}" {{ $attributes->except('wire:model.live')->merge(['class' => 'form-input w-full rounded-md shadow-sm']) }} />

I pass in a unique ID for each flatPickr instance on the page to avoid ID collisions ;)

flatcapco commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @dircm sorry for the delay on this I'm just struggling for time at the moment but I do plan on setting up a simpler test to see if I can replicate the issue for you - its not a multi instance issue (just 1 on the page) and I can't really share the full code sadly but I'm happy to setup an example - but might be a few more days sorry

Thanks for all the help

PhiloNL commented 2 weeks ago

I'm curious, do you also get this problem when using it as a regular Livewire component instead of embedding?