wireapp / wire-server

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Use uri-bytestring consistently #811

Open fisx opened 5 years ago

fisx commented 5 years ago

We are using several URI types in our code, which is partly motivated by libraries making different choices, and partly by what was available in the olden times.

uri-bytestring is good in expressiveness of types and performance, and we should just use it everywhere.

fisx commented 5 years ago

Here is some code for bilge that didn't make it out of #722:

diff --git a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
index 667b202d..87fd11dc 100644
--- a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
+++ b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Bilge.IO
     , patch
     , patch'
     , consumeBody
+    , useURIBS

     -- * Re-exports
     , ManagerSettings (..)
@@ -49,8 +50,10 @@ module Bilge.IO
     ) where

 import Imports hiding (head, trace)
+import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), (%~), (<&>), _Just, _2)
 import Control.Monad.Base
 import Control.Monad.Catch
+import Control.Monad.Except
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
 import Network.HTTP.Client as Client hiding (method, httpLbs)
 import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client (method)
@@ -58,15 +61,19 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB

 -- It's impossible to create a Response body without using internals :'(
 import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as Client (Response(..), ResponseClose(..))
-import Network.HTTP.Types
 import Bilge.Request
 import Bilge.Response
 import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
+import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
+import Network.HTTP.Types

 import qualified Network.Wai.Test as Wai
 import qualified Network.Wai      as Wai

+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
+import qualified URI.ByteString as URIBS

 -- | Debug settings may cause debug information to be printed to stdout.
 data Debug
@@ -245,3 +252,27 @@ consumeBody r = do
         then Nothing
         else Just (Lazy.fromChunks chunks)
     return $ r { responseBody = bdy }
+-- | Translate a uri-bytestring URI into a bilge request modifier.
+useURIBS :: MonadError String m => URIBS.URI -> m (Request -> Request)
+useURIBS uri
+    = foldl' (.) id <$> sequence
+        [ case uri ^. URIBS.uriSchemeL . URIBS.schemeBSL of
+            "http" -> pure id
+            "https" -> pure Bilge.Request.secure
+            bad -> throwError $ "unsupported scheme: " <> cs bad
+        , case uri ^? URIBS.authorityL . _Just . URIBS.authorityHostL . URIBS.hostBSL of
+            Just host_ -> pure $ Bilge.Request.host host_
+            Nothing    -> throwError $ "no hostname: " <> showedUri
+        , case uri ^? URIBS.authorityL . _Just . URIBS.authorityPortL . _Just . URIBS.portNumberL of
+            Just port_ -> pure $ Bilge.Request.port (fromIntegral port_)
+            Nothing    -> pure id
+        , pure $ Bilge.Request.path (uri ^. URIBS.pathL)
+        , pure $ Bilge.Request.query ((uri ^. URIBS.queryL . URIBS.queryPairsL) <&> (_2 %~ Just))
+        , case uri ^. URIBS.fragmentL of
+            Nothing -> pure id
+            Just _ -> throwError $ "fragments are not supported: " <> showedUri
+        ]
+  where
+    showedUri :: String
+    showedUri = cs . Builder.toLazyByteString . URIBS.serializeURIRef $ uri