When leaving a discussion (group chat, possibly also a 1:1 chat), you are offered to option to 'delete content'. That terminology is misleading in my opinion. There seems to be an indication that this will "delete" as in "delete for everyone"/unsend, however it appears this only deletes the content from your device. It doesn't unsend, or delete everywhere.
In comparison, with Facebook you can delete your account which will, at least rhetorically, delete your content from their services. I would purpose that Wire gives users greater control over their own data and matches that of the much less privacy aware Facebook by making the "delete content" option currently presented to act as it should - to "delete for everyone" .. to unsend, to delete everywhere. Making all messages somewhat ephemeral in nature.
How this can be achieved with the double ratchet algorithm ... i'm not sure but i'm interested in hearing if it's at least possible and if any discussions have been made around this idea.
This is a two fold issue
When leaving a discussion (group chat, possibly also a 1:1 chat), you are offered to option to 'delete content'. That terminology is misleading in my opinion. There seems to be an indication that this will "delete" as in "delete for everyone"/unsend, however it appears this only deletes the content from your device. It doesn't unsend, or delete everywhere.
In comparison, with Facebook you can delete your account which will, at least rhetorically, delete your content from their services. I would purpose that Wire gives users greater control over their own data and matches that of the much less privacy aware Facebook by making the "delete content" option currently presented to act as it should - to "delete for everyone" .. to unsend, to delete everywhere. Making all messages somewhat ephemeral in nature.
How this can be achieved with the double ratchet algorithm ... i'm not sure but i'm interested in hearing if it's at least possible and if any discussions have been made around this idea.