wirecube / android_additive_animations

Additive animations for Android!
Apache License 2.0
991 stars 72 forks source link

Move to AndroidX #16

Closed GC-Xi closed 3 years ago

GC-Xi commented 3 years ago

Would you consider move to AndroidX? I still get the following running canISayByeByeJetifier

Scanning at.wirecube:additive_animations:1.8.0
 Absoulute path: /Users/xiwei/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/at.wirecube/additive_animations/1.8.0/1af778f898822b9b74d83f8c3632188f191fc41b/additive_animations-1.8.0.aar
 Graphs to this dependency:
 Issues found:
 * at/wirecube/additiveanimations/additive_animator/SubclassableAdditiveViewAnimator.class -> android/support/v4/view/ViewCompat
 * at/wirecube/additiveanimations/helper/EaseInOutPathInterpolator.class -> android/support/v4/view/animation/PathInterpolatorCompat


davidganster commented 3 years ago


thanks for bringing this up. Yes, I will migrate to AndroidX and release an updated version. I also plan on eventually migrating to Kotlin to take advantage of some Kotlin-specific language features!

davidganster commented 3 years ago

I just moved the project to use AndroidX and released v1.9.0.

Cheers, David

GC-Xi commented 3 years ago

Thank you!