wiredsister / OpenTransplant

Organ Procurement Transplant System for "We, The People" developed using publicly available information about Organ Transplant & cutting edge medical research.
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 1 forks source link

Generate QR code shipping labels for OPOs which affects 3rd party testing logistics & hospital intake #21

Open wiredsister opened 3 years ago

wiredsister commented 3 years ago


☝️ this one is over SSL and we can just use the UUIDs on the organs as the only piece of data stored in them alongside an app for 3rd party testing companies (for outsourced HLA analysis). We could even do something creative like pick custom colors for the different organ types so OPOs and Surgeons more effectively process and manage:


ns222 commented 3 years ago

Would a library possibly meet this need? https://github.com/SiliconJungles/eqrcode