wiredsister / OpenTransplant

Organ Procurement Transplant System for "We, The People" developed using publicly available information about Organ Transplant & cutting edge medical research.
Apache License 2.0
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Cause of Death for Donor not in code base-- #33

Closed wiredsister closed 3 years ago

wiredsister commented 3 years ago


OPOs and Surgeons use this information to know if it's worth their time to waste on a hypoxic organ or not.

MeredithStewart commented 3 years ago

@wiredsister -- what's the source of that table?

wiredsister commented 3 years ago


and because of this I added this locally:

 module Death = struct

        (** In reference to https://github.com/wiredsister/OpenTransplant/issues/33 *)
        type t =           
            | DonationAfterCirculatoryDeath_DCD of mechanism
            | DonationAfterBrainDeath_DBD  of mechanism
            | NotReported
            | Ambiguous of mechanism

        (** In reference to https://github.com/wiredsister/OpenTransplant/issues/33 *)
        and mechanism =
            | Gunshot
            | Apoxia
            | Asphyxiation
            | Cardiovascular 
            | BluntInjury
            | Drowning
            | DrugIntoxication
            | Electrical 
            | GunshotWound
            | Stroke
            | NaturalCause
            | Unknown
            | Seizure
            | Sids 
            | Stabbed
            | Other of string


a lot of data issues on the website when you look through the pivot tables. Highly recommend though. A lot of fields will tell you when they were added or they will have a label for "we didn't use to collect this field" which is interesting... lol


MeredithStewart commented 3 years ago

So interesting! We could ask Chris if we've got specific questions about this data and all of the caveat notes.

nickscialli-usds commented 3 years ago

The fact that "Not Reported" is almost 50% seems problematic

wiredsister commented 3 years ago

Note how much bad data there is in the system. It was kind of unusable, but I think I'm going to look up average death information in the USA, cite it, and list it here as well. But I think I have the main stuff like DBD & DCD covered.

wiredsister commented 3 years ago


Added death type to donorinfo