wiredsister / OpenTransplant

Organ Procurement Transplant System for "We, The People" developed using publicly available information about Organ Transplant & cutting edge medical research.
Apache License 2.0
42 stars 1 forks source link

API design: POST organ & donor information #9

Open wiredsister opened 3 years ago

wiredsister commented 3 years ago

Need to create JSON document

wiredsister commented 3 years ago

Sample code for a Human being:

module Human = struct

    type t =
        details: details;
        blood_type: blood_type;
        body_size: body_size;
        hla_class_I: hla_class_I;
        hla_class_II: hla_class_II;
        (* Dictionary: Key:ICD10_CODE, Value:TEST_RESULT *)
        icd_10_codes: (disease, bool option) Hashtbl.t

    and details = 

        name : string;
        email: string;
        primary_phone: string;
        birthdate: Date.t;
        waitlist_start: Date.t;
        availability: availability;


    and blood_type = 
        | A_Pos 
        | A_Neg
        | B_Pos
        | B_Neg
        | AB_Pos
        | AB_Neg
        | O_Pos
        | O_Neg

    (**  This is a hypothetical, might be 
        best suited to be bands of kg *)
    and body_size =
        | Infant
        | Toddler
        | Child
        | Small_Female
        | Small_Male
        | Average_Female
        | Average_Male
        | Large_Female
        | Large_Male

    and zipcode = string

    and disease = string

    and availability = 
        | Can_Be_Contacted_and_Transplant_Ready
        | Can_Be_Contacted_and_NOT_Transplant_Ready
        | Can_NOT_Be_Contacted_and_Transplant_Ready
        | Can_NOT_Be_Contacted_and_NOT_Transplant_Ready

    and entrytime = Date.t

    and hla_class_I = string
    and hla_class_II = string

    (* TODO: Research severity grades and how they differ between prognoses *)
    and status =
        | Dying
        | Critical
        | Stable
        | Nominal

    let has_disease (patient:t) (disease:disease) : bool = begin
        let { icd_10_codes = tags; _ } = patient in
        if Hashtbl.mem tags disease
            let test_results = Hashtbl.find tags disease in
            match test_results with
            | Some results -> results
                Is there a reason to distinguish "inconclusive" vs tested and negative? 
                If so, that can be represented here...
            | None -> false
            Is there a reason to distinguish "untested" vs tested and negative? 
            If so, that can be represented here...
        else false

    let is_CMV_negative (p:t) = not (has_disease p "P35.1")
    let is_EBV_negative (p:t) = not (has_disease p "B27.9")
    let is_COVID_19_negative (p:t) = not (has_disease p "U07.1")

    let create 
            hla_class_I = hla_class_I;
            hla_class_II = hla_class_II;    
            details = details;
            blood_type = blood_type;
            icd_10_codes = Hashtbl.create (~random=true) 70000;
            body_size = body_size;


Sample code for a patient:

module Patient(O: PatientOrganToBeReplaced) = struct 

    type t = Human.t * info
    and vitals = {
        Mg/dL, or milligrams per deciliter, is a measurement that indicates 
        the amount of a particular substance (such as glucose) in a specific 
        amount of blood.

        Source: https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/qa/what-does-mgdl-mean *)
        bilirubin: mg * dL;

        An equivalent is the amount of a substance that will react with a certain number 
        of hydrogen ions. A milliequivalent is one-thousandth of an equivalent.

        Source: https://hartfordhospital.org/health-wellness/health-resources/health-library/detail?id=stm159429&lang=en-us *)
        serum_sodium: mEq * l;


    (** Milligrams fluid volume *)
    and mg = float

    (** Decilitre *)
    and dL = float

    (** A milliequivalent is one-thousandth of an equivalent *)
    and mEq = float

    (** Liter fluid volume *)
    and l = float

        CCVHD = Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis
        SCT = Serum Creatine Test *)
    has_had_CVVHD_for_24H_a_week_prior_to_SCT = bool

        CCVHD = Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis
        SCT = Serum Creatine Test *)
    and has_had_dialysis_twice_a_week_prior_to_SCT = bool

        The International Normalized Ratio of Prothrombin Time *)
    and inr = float
    and info = { 

        zipcode: Human.zipcode;
        body_size: Human.body_size;
        vitals: vitals;
        identification: Uuidm.t;

    let seeking = O.seeking

wiredsister commented 3 years ago

Notes: 1/2/07 Meeting

POST : organ_submission -> Ok<tracking_id, barcode_sticker_to_print>, Err

type organ_transplant = | Heart_And_Lungs | Heart | BilateralLungs | Left_Lung | Right_Lung | Intestines | Liver | Pancreas | Dual_Kidney | Right_Kidney | Left_Kidney | Other of string

type availability = 
| Can_Be_Contacted_and_Transplant_Ready
| Can_Be_Contacted_and_NOT_Transplant_Ready
| Can_NOT_Be_Contacted_and_Transplant_Ready
| Can_NOT_Be_Contacted_and_NOT_Transplant_Ready

{ organ_intake_version: VERSION_STRING; organ_transplant_type: ALPHA_NUM_STRING; organ: STRING; intake_facility: STRING; intake_location: ZIPCODE_STRING; donor: nullable details : { name : string; email: string; primary_phone: string; birthdate: Date.t; waitlist_start: Date.t; availability: string e.g. "Can_Be_Contacted_and_Transplant_Ready"; }, required blood_type: blood_type e.g. "AB_Neg" "A_Pos", required body_size: body_size "Large_female", HLA_Class_I: string, HLA_Class_II: string, ( Dictionary: Key:ICD10_CODE, Value:TEST_RESULT ) icd_10_codes: JavaScript Arr, e.g. [ "P35.1" ] } }

Scenario 1:

"Given I am a user who is an OPO (Organ Procurement Organization), And I'd like to submit a new organ via an API, ... "

Scenario 2:

"Given I am a user who is a Surgeon, And I'd like to get a match for an organ on behalf of my patient, ... " GET : patient_match_request -> Ok, Err<>

wiredsister commented 3 years ago

@yanlow ☝️ added my notes from our discussion here for the POST

wiredsister commented 3 years ago


☝️ Example intake form