wirelineio / wns

Wireline Naming Service
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ICF Grant Application #278

Open cfl0ws opened 4 years ago

cfl0ws commented 4 years ago

A. Email address


Applicant Information

In this section we'd like to learn more about applicants. Please start by providing an email address for correspondence regarding your application.

1. Name of applicant (Individual, company, institution, or organization)

The Wireline Network

2. Applicant website, microblog, or public point of contact


3. Please list core team members, their title or role, and one link per team member where we can learn more about their qualifications, ex. personal website, GitHub, GitLab, LinkedIn, as well as a link to each individual's Twitter if available.

Rich Burdon https://www.linkedin.com/in/richburdon/

David Boreham https://www.linkedin.com/in/dboreham/

Rick Dudley https://www.linkedin.com/in/afdudley/

Ashwin Phatak https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashwinphatak/

Chris Remus https://twitter.com/cjremus

Learn more about the full team here.

4. If you were referred by an individual or organization please provide their name, ex. Interchain Berlin, Informal, All in Bits, etc.

Rick Dudley

Project information

In this section we'd like to learn more about the project you plan to carry out with the funds provided by the Interchain Foundation.

5. Title of your proposed project

Run Optimistic Rollup and Connext’s Spacefold on top of Chainsafe’s Ethermint

6. In one sentence, please describe your proposed project and the problem it addresses.

A CosmosSDK based Optimistic Rollup (ORU) allows for a clear path for scaling and decentralizing and/or federating an ORU.

7. Indicate one or more categories that apply to your project

→Hub or Zone

→Validator Tooling

→ Cross-chain bridge

→ On-chain financial infrastructure

8. Describe how this effort solves a problem or improves people's experience with a short user story.

The Wireline Network allows users to discover and consume services via The Wireline App Store. If users want to pay for Wireline Services related to document management via the Wireline Payment Service, they have to use tokens native to The Wireline Blockchain. However, many users will only have Ether or Ethereum based-stablecoins in their wallets. This configuration allows for the seamless negotiation of payments with fast finality across chains.

9. Describe the strategy your team will execute in order to address this problem and the deliverables required for success.

Wireline will screen and hire qualified developers to complete this work, managed by Rick Dudley of Vulcanize Inc. Where possible we will partner with Optimism, Connext, and Chainsafe to integrate these code bases together. Wireline has been researching and developing Cosmos SDK-based technologies since 2018.

Wireline’s development team will provide a form of Ethermint that imports Optimism’s Go-Ethereum fork instead of stock Go-Ethereum. This makes it possible to run an ORU connected to Ethereum that can run CosmosSDK modules, like the ones developed at Wireline in the proper CosmosSDK context. Additionally, it will allow us to run existing Ethereum smart contracts within the Wireline Blockchain. By deploying Connext’s Spacefold on The Wireline Blockchain, users can pay for Services within The Wireline Ecosystem.

In the future, this design will allow users to settle on Ethereum if The Wireline Validators are unavailable. Although not required for this project’s immediate success, Vulcanize’s tooling will assist in monitoring this complex structure. Additionally, we would like to bridge The Wireline Network to the Cosmos Hub via IBC in the future.

Additional metrics for success will be the delivery of any work done with partners to Wireline and the successful integration of these projects into an open source repo. This work will be well documented, with the goal of increasing usage of the code within the broader Cosmos and Optimism ecosystems.

10. Have you previously submitted a funding request or received funding from the ICF? Please indicate the name of your previous submission(s) if so.

Team members Rick Dudley and Chris Remus have previously received ICF grants. Rick received one to add GraphQL capabilities to the Cosmos SDK, utilizing IPFS as an underlying distributed data store and extending IPLD data types to include Tendermint-related standards. Chris received one for the successfully completed Cosmos Validator Mission Control monitoring and alerting tool set.

11. Please describe how your project helps to fulfill the Interchain Foundation's mandate of supporting open source decentralized technologies for communities to realize greater autonomy, security, and sustainability, including its impact on the greater Cosmos ecosystem.

Which groups will benefit from this work and how? What synergies exist with other technologies in the Cosmos ecosystem?

This system will allow for Ethereum developers to seamlessly move their code from the Ethereum Blockchain to an ORU, and then as demand grows move from that ORU to a CosmosSDK zone.

The same tooling can be used to go in the opposite direction and expose ATOMs to the existing Ethereum DeFi ecosystem.

12. What is your sustainability plan or business model after the funding program has ended? What risks may prevent you from reaching this point? Otherwise, indicate if your project will be time-bound, ephemeral, or event-based.

Wireline has invested significant resources into developing its project to-date. The project is on a path to Mainnet launch in early 2021. Wireline intends to include the work done under this grant in its core service offering and will continue maintaining it for public use. This said, because Wireline is a pre-Mainnet project, the project carries with it the risks inherent in early stage projects, primarily from an execution and delivery perspective.

13. Please provide a budget and timeline for reaching your objectives and completing all deliverables. (PDF)

This should include a monthly resource breakdown indicating the time each deliverable will take to complete. If your budget is incomplete or lacks detail your application cannot be considered.

We estimate the total fee to be about $66,000.00 USD. We are currently working on a more detailed timeline and budget and expect to have that ready within the week and will share when it is ready.

14. How much funding are you requesting for this project? (USD)

Provide only the total amount, you will have the opportunity to attach a detailed budget at the end of this application. If your proposal is for indefinitely recurring work, please provide an amount for this calendar year only.

We estimate the total fee to be about $66,000.00 USD.

15. What entity will be accepting funds and in what jurisdiction?

The ICF must pay a business entity (LLC, GmbH, etc.). Please indicate the entity who will be responsible for receipt of funds. Also note, the ICF is obligated to perform KYC before distributing funds to accepted applicants.

Wireline, Inc. a Delaware, US, corporation.

16. What forms of financial support would you like the Interchain Foundation to consider when evaluating your application?

Service Agreement - Support contingent on successful completion of deliverables

17. Please indicate any conflicts of interest. Rick Dudley is on the ICF TAB and has already provided conflicts of interest

AFDudley commented 4 years ago

Removed by @AFDudley to simplify things.

cfl0ws commented 4 years ago

Removed by @AFDudley to simplify things.

cfl0ws commented 4 years ago

Application submitted.

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