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Testcontainers Golang module for WireMock #9

Open oleg-nenashev opened 1 year ago

oleg-nenashev commented 1 year ago


Similar to Java, it would be nice to add support for starting the WireMock server using Testcontainers when Docker is present and no other WireMock server has been provided

If there are any existing implementations, prototypes, blogs or etc, let us know!

There is WireMock Go implementation based on WireMock Docker, but not a Testcontainers one. See the WireMock Ecosystem listing for the references

Reference any relevant documentation, other materials or issues/pull requests that can be used for inspiration.

kapishmalik commented 1 year ago

@oleg-nenashev can I work on this?

oleg-nenashev commented 1 year ago

@kapishmalik If you are interested, sure, go for it. Note that there might be some functionality overlap with https://github.com/walkerus/go-wiremock , and it would be great to collaborate with @walkerus on unifying/sharing APIs and maybe even co-hosting components. I reached out to him on LinkedIn

kapishmalik commented 1 year ago

@oleg-nenashev yup, true. I was also thinking the same. He has already written wrapper. We just need to add functionality to invoke testcontainer in that wrapper.

oleg-nenashev commented 12 months ago

PoC is here: https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-testcontainers-go