wiremock / wiremock-docker

Wiremock Docker image
MIT License
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Upgrade images to Java 17 #55

Closed mmusenbr closed 1 year ago

mmusenbr commented 1 year ago

Update images to support latest LTS Java version 17. Wiremock itself only needs Java 8, but to integrate own extension build with a newer JDK version, a newer java version would allow the usage of the image by a larger user-base.

rodolpheche commented 1 year ago

This repository only handles the Wiremock Docker image build and deployment based on the Wiremock repository specifications (including java version).

mmusenbr commented 1 year ago

@rodolpheche I was not aware of that, sorry to hear. We got the impression Java-17 compatibility was checked for wiremock, as we saw that tests are running against java 17. Are those Wiremock repository specifications somewhere public, that we can track once we can go back using the 'upstream' images for wiremock? Thanks a lot, br Michael

rodolpheche commented 1 year ago

My bad, you're right, Wiremock is effectively tested with java 17.

So, I just checked for an update of the base image adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre and the v17 doesn't yet exist. Once the image will be available, I'll integrate it into the project.

Meanwhile, I suggest you to fork the project and adapt it for your needs.

FYI, Wiremock Docker image is multi arch compatible, this is the reason why I use adoptopenjdk base image

mmusenbr commented 1 year ago

No worries, adoptopenjdk does not exist anymore/is depracated and is now eclipse-temurin (https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-temurin). Therefore I used those in the PR. Just be aware that the non-alpine version was based on debian (adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre) and is now based on Ubuntu (eclipse-temurin:17-jre).