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ci: automate wiremock version update #220

Closed olblak closed 10 months ago

olblak commented 10 months ago

fix #171

This pullrequest introduces Updatecli to automate Wiremock version update. Updatecli will monitor Wiremock releases and if something change, it will create a temporary branch, and a open a pull request targeting main with suggested change. If anything goes wrong, we can still refuse the PR or disable Updatecli later on

To work we need two things:

An Updatecli GitHub workflow Updatecli is command line tool, the workflow can be triggered either manually with the workflow_dispatch event or via the cronjob every hour. Each time Updatecli is executed, it loads manifests that describe update pipeline.

An Updatecli manifest

The manifest describes

  1. Where the source information comes from, in this case the Wiremock latest GitHub release
  2. Validate conditions, in this case that a docker image exist for the retrieved version
  3. Update if necessary the targets. In this case we have a file named "_config.yml" with two information to update
  4. The configuration for the pullrequest (actions)
  5. The git repository to interact with (scms)

I executed the Updatecli command locally to see what would be changed

Console Output ``` => updatecli diff --config updatecli/updatecli.d/ +++++++++++ + PREPARE + +++++++++++ Loading Pipeline "updatecli/updatecli.d/wiremock.yaml" SCM repository retrieved: 1 ++++++++++++++++++ + AUTO DISCOVERY + ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ + PIPELINE + ++++++++++++ ######################################################### # DOCS: BUMP WIREMOCK VERSION USED IN THE DOCUMENTATION # ######################################################### SOURCES ======= wiremock -------- Searching for version matching pattern "*" ✔ GitHub release version "3.2.0" found matching pattern "*" of kind "semver" CHANGELOG: ---------- Release published on the 2023-09-27 14:49:16 +0000 UTC at the url https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock/releases/tag/3.2.0 ## 💥 Breaking changes * Enable local response templating by default in standalone (#2386) @tomakehurst * Add startup option to enable/disable extension scanning and set to disabled by default when running from Java (#2385) @tomakehurst ## 🚀 New features and improvements * Exposing MappingsLoader as an extension point (#2334) @bharatnpti * Include more info when webhook refusal logged (#2389) @Mahoney * HTTP Server Factory as an extension point (#2391) @tomakehurst * Print loaded extensions at startup (#2381) @tomakehurst ## 🐛 Bug fixes * Fix json string schema rejecting numbers (#2390) @Mahoney * Fix FileSource backed blobstore keys bug (#2392) @tomakehurst * Fixed #2388 - empty getPath() returned from new FileStore implementation passed to transformers (#2396) @tomakehurst ## 📦 Dependency updates * Bump io.netty:netty-all from 4.1.97.Final to 4.1.98.Final (#2394) @dependabot CONDITIONS: =========== docker ------ ✔ docker image wiremock/wiremock:3.2.0 found TARGETS ======== wiremock_version ---------------- **Dry Run enabled** ✔ - key "$.wiremock_version" already set to "3.2.0", from file "_config.yml" wiremock_baseline ----------------- **Dry Run enabled** ✔ - key "$.wiremock_baseline" already set to "3.x", from file "_config.yml" ACTIONS ======== ============================= REPORTS: ✔ docs: bump wiremock version used in the documentation: Source: ✔ [wiremock] Get latest Wiremock version Condition: ✔ [docker] Check that a docker image is available for the latest version Target: ✔ [wiremock_baseline] docs: update Wiremock version to 3.2.0 ✔ [wiremock_version] docs: update Wiremock version to 3.2.0 Run Summary =========== Pipeline(s) run: * Changed: 0 * Failed: 0 * Skipped: 0 * Succeeded: 1 * Total: 1 ```


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olblak commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion, ping me if anything goes wrong