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Python charting for 80% of humans.
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Lattice bar/column charts don't work if groups have different labels #76

Closed onyxfish closed 7 years ago

onyxfish commented 7 years ago

From wireservice/agate#643

import agate

# Group by county
counties = leso.group_by('county')

# Filter to counties with more than $200,000 in equipment
top_counties = counties.having([
    ('total_cost_sum', agate.Sum('total_cost'))
], lambda t: t['total_cost_sum'] > 200000)

# Group a second time—see the section on "Multidimensional aggregation"
counties_and_items = top_counties.group_by('federal_supply_category_name')

# Aggregate sums by county and item
counts = counties_and_items.aggregate([
    ('quantity_sum', agate.Sum('quantity'))

# Sort by item, regroup by county, and then plot a line chart for each county
counts.order_by('quantity_sum', reverse=True).group_by('federal_supply_category_name').bar_chart(label='federal_supply_category_name', value='quantity_sum')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-105-ed28ead4c510> in <module>()
     19 # Sort by item, regroup by county, and then plot a line chart for each county
---> 20 counts.order_by('quantity_sum', reverse=True).group_by('federal_supply_category_name').bar_chart(label='federal_supply_category_name', value='quantity_sum')

/Users/cgroskopf/src/agate/agate/tableset/bar_chart.py in bar_chart(self, label, value, path, width, height)
     31         label_name = label
---> 33     if type(value) is int:
     34         value_name = self.column_names[value]
     35     else:

/Users/cgroskopf/.virtualenvs/agate/lib/python3.5/site-packages/leather/lattice.py in to_svg(self, path, width, height)
    151         if not self._scales[Y]:
--> 152             self._scales[Y]= Scale.infer(layers, Y, self._types[Y])
    154         if not self._axes[X]:

/Users/cgroskopf/.virtualenvs/agate/lib/python3.5/site-packages/leather/scales/base.py in infer(cls, layers, dimension, data_type)
     88                 if series.values(dimension) != scale_values:
---> 89                     raise ValueError('All series must have the same values for scale display.')
     91             scale = Ordinal(scale_values)

ValueError: All series must have the same values for scale display.