wiresock / WireSockUI

GUI to use Wiresock VPN Client in application mode
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Dark theme #15

Closed rakleed closed 10 months ago

rakleed commented 1 year ago

At night or in a dark room, it is very uncomfortable for the eyes to use your app, because the bright white background hurts the eyes. A dark theme that is enabled when the OS also has a dark theme enabled would be a great solution. Optionally, you can add manual theme selection between Auto/Light/Dark.

wiresock commented 10 months ago

Implementing a dark theme for a Windows Forms application can present significant challenges and can often be a time-intensive process. This complexity arises due to the legacy nature of the Windows Forms technology, which is not inherently designed to accommodate such customizations easily. In many instances, it might actually be more streamlined and efficient to completely redesign the user interface using a more contemporary UI framework. These modern frameworks often come equipped with in-built support for various themes, including dark mode, which could substantially reduce development effort and time.

luweijun1992 commented 7 months ago

Also needed