wiresock / WireSockUI

GUI to use Wiresock VPN Client in application mode
205 stars 11 forks source link

allowed apps folder path #33

Closed sato942 closed 7 months ago

sato942 commented 7 months ago

according to https://www.wiresock.net/wiresock-vpn-client/wiresock-vpn-client-advanced-configuration-parameters/

i should be able to assign a path in allowed apps to allow only the process that run from it, the ui editor does not allow saving

i tried to manually edit it and then run the ui but the ui give error "failed to create tunnel from provided configuarion please check logs"

the logs are empty even when the settings is set to all.

wiresock commented 7 months ago

Thank you for reporting your issue with the WireSock VPN Client's UI editor.

We've just released WireSockUI v0.1.9, which includes a fix that might resolve your problem. Please update to this latest version from our releases page and try configuring the 'allowed apps' path again.