wiresock / WireSockUI

GUI to use Wiresock VPN Client in application mode
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Windows 10 dns resolution does not work when can't establish tunel #59

Open naox opened 3 months ago

naox commented 3 months ago

os: Windows 10

WireSock can't establish tunel if Endpoint does not respond (original wireguard can so that problem does not exists there). Since Endpoint does not respond WireSocks is stuck on "Activating... Click to Cancel". I use

AllowedApps = xxxxx
DisallowedApps = DNSCACHE 

so its not a problem that Endpoint does not respond. However when "Activating... Click to Cancel" whole OS dns resolution stops working! Please allow establishing (creating) tunel without respose from Endpoint (like Wireguard) or respect DisallowedApps even when tunel is in "Activating" state.