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Datepicker sometimes appears without calendar #472

Closed 1337erik closed 1 year ago

1337erik commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug This is a completely sporadic issue that usually happens after a value was chosen and the user tries to re-open the calendar. If I open/close the calendar a few times the calendar will eventually open up with just the top row.

I have a hunch theres some issue with loading the proper day values, however there are no console errors. Sometimes the calendar will load with either a small set of the days and one time even after switching the month the calendar displayed with around 40-50 days total ( couldn't reproduce for screenshot ).. noticed that as i switch months, the days are often greyed out until i select a day and then it "realizes" that this group of days is within the month and should be text-color black

To Reproduce Setup a datetime picker with the same attributes as seen in the screenshot, select a value and open/close over and over again.

Expected behavior The calendar appears with the correct days - and the days at all - consistently

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1337erik commented 1 year ago

This is a really inconsistent issue where the calendar appears/disappears when you open/close one to many times with a value selected and toggle across months - anyone else ever see this?

nearueng commented 1 year ago

yep I've noticed this too. It's a bit unpredictable.

nearueng commented 1 year ago

@1337erik fyi, I've gone with the following workaround for now. It's a custom blade component made using flatpickr, but I made it work with wireui and swapped out all the wireui datepickers.

If you'd like to. use it.

I was using it in both deferred and non-deferred contexts, but this should do the trick.

You can customize it how you like.

Usage <x-app.datepicker label="Choose date" placeholder="Starting date" wire:model.defer="startDate"/>


@props(['label' => 'Choose date', 'placeholder' => 'Date', 'defer' => true])

    <div x-data="datepicker(@entangle($attributes->wire('model')))" class="relative">
            <x-input wire:model.defer="{{ $attributes->wire('model')->value() }}"
                     label="{{ $label }}"
                     placeholder="{{ $placeholder }}"
            <x-input wire:model="{{ $attributes->wire('model')->value() }}"
                     label="{{ $label }}"
                     placeholder="{{ $placeholder }}"

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css">
        <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/flatpickr"></script>

            document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
                Alpine.data('datepicker', (model) => ({
                    value: model,
                        this.pickr = flatpickr(this.$refs.myDatepicker, {
                            minDate: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 24*60*60*1000)

                        this.$watch('value', function(newValue){
                        this.value = null;
1337erik commented 1 year ago

appreciate the response, sad that the solution is to just not use the wireui calendar... any updates from a dev from this?

Tiagospem commented 1 year ago

sometimes this happened to me, but it was an error in the livewire rendering, I added wire:key in the dynamic elements and the problem was solved

1337erik commented 1 year ago

I have a few dynamic elements that are mostly keyed, if not all - are you referring to a particular dynamic element within the calendar component itself? If you're referring to other dynamic elements outside of the calendar then I am happy to report that those are already taken account for

nearueng commented 1 year ago

@Tiagospem I had all my elements keyed as well. Still happened from time to time.

PH7-Jack commented 1 year ago

@1337erik could you update the wireui and test again?

PH7-Jack commented 1 year ago

Closing it now. If the problem persists, let me know to reopen