wireui / wireui

TallStack UI components
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Ability to add required icon to labels that appears in a different color #774

Open carbtest opened 6 months ago

carbtest commented 6 months ago

I would like to be able to add an asterisk "*" in a red to label components

one option i could think of would be to not add the label in the component and add it manually, but it would be nice to be able to add "fieldname " and have the show in red

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Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

jantbox commented 6 months ago

Here's another idea...

If you add the "required" attribute to a form component (input, select, ...), simply add a class (e.g., "required") to the associated label and manage the effect from CSS in this way:

.required:after {
    color: #d73925;
    content: '*';
    display: inline;

This is how I do it in some personal components based on Bootstrap 5:

    <label {!! $attributes->merge(['class' => 'form-label' . ($attributes->get('required') ? ' required' : '')]) !!}>
        {!! $label !!}