wireui / wireui

TallStack UI components
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Maskable Inputs does not function #796

Open DiegoAlonso27 opened 6 months ago

DiegoAlonso27 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

when trying to use Maskable Inputs it only lets you enter one number and if you add another one the previous one is deleted and only the last one you entered is left but it only remains in one digit.

To Reproduce <x-wire-inputs.maskable label="Maskable Input" mask="####-####-####-####" placeholder="Credit Card Number" />

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots or Videos If applicable, add screenshots or videos to help explain your problem. image



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coxta commented 6 months ago

Same for <x-password />

DiegoAlonso27 commented 6 months ago

Same for <x-password />

the password works normally for me, maybe it is for another reason, have you checked the installed version?

coxta commented 6 months ago

@DiegoAlonso27 - yes, sorry I'm using v2.0-beta just ignore me ;-)

BTW - very excited about v2, y'all keep up the great work!