Closed deleted-user-1 closed 4 years ago
lets base an estimation on the pandemic footprint index and a transitive and fast contact-sharing in case of an infection. if i met 10 people who met 20 infected, my own pandemic footprint index will raise. every time i meet another person in real live, both share their pandemic footprint index in the pandoa app and know they can contact this person later via the app if they should be infectwd - or the other person is infected, or has a high likelihood of infection besause of pandemic footprint index. who wants, can share more details in calculation of PFI to near contacts, but less to low-risk or unknown contacts. in any case of infection, the app transfers information about my last contacts who got infected to me via the app.
the simplest solution right now and working in China/S.Korea is taking your body temp twice a day. This is a reliable measure that you can expect to be regularly performed by each individual and rather specific for COVID, particularly in Germany outside the regular influenca period.
One could include more sophisticated SIR-models at a later stage, i guess
we should use the body temp and add information (shortness of breath, dry cough,...) Simply 3-4 symptoms that can be ticked off. It certainly can't hurt to gather this data. It is only important that there are not too many points.
We also need to know if the user is in quarantine (and why), and if someone in the vicinity is in quarantine and why.
We can't rely on test results as tests will not be available in big numbers and probably be reserved for emergency cases.
So we need to think of a model how to calculate the probability. We could