wiruwiru / NeedSystem-CS2

Allows players to send a message to discord requesting players. (for CounterStrikeSharp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

[REQ] Webhook improvements #5

Closed crashzk closed 1 month ago

crashzk commented 1 month ago


Message that the plugin sends could include the server name, hostname. I believe it is clearer which server would be needed.

"NeedInServerMessage": "You are needed on the server",

It would also be an interesting option to add Header, Footer and an image, something like this:

image }

Discord webhook JSON format, in case it helps with anything.

  "content": "",
  "embed": {
    "title": "**BOOST DISCORD = VIP**",
    "description": "Isso mesmo, de boost em nosso discord e ganhe VIP em todos nossos servidores.\n\n**- 2 boost = VIP em todos servidores**\n\nVIP fica ativado pelo tempo que o boost ficar ativo em nosso discord.\n\nQualquer dúvida não hesite em nos contatar!",
    "color": 13566207,
    "image": {
      "url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/672618501042733076/918876017953742928/Boost_Discord_ZK_Servidores.jpg"
    "thumbnail": {
      "url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/672618501042733076/918876018226393109/Boost_Discord.gif"
    "footer": {
      "text": "ZK Servidores™ - Melhores Servidores da Comunidade BR • © Todos os direitos reservados | 2017 - 2023",
      "icon_url": "https://image.prntscr.com/image/ipO0I8FJSxuxX16iOJTUew.png"
    "author": {
      "name": "ZK Servidores™ | Melhores Servidores da Comunidade BR",
      "url": "https://zkservidores.com",
      "icon_url": "https://image.prntscr.com/image/8ONxgnaUTw2yVAEaCDpFAA.png"
wiruwiru commented 1 month ago

Added in NeedSystem v1.1.0. Thanks for the suggestion!