wise-coders / dbschema

DbSchema Database Designer
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utf-8 (utf8mb3_general_ci) characterset- Persian language not shown correctly in comment and table data #95

Closed morrteza closed 8 months ago

morrteza commented 1 year ago


DBSchema version = 9.2.1 build 230128 operating system = macOS database = mysql 8 Default collation: utf8mb3_general_ci Default characterset: utf8mb3

when i typing Persian language in comment or data in table , not shown correctly .

wise-coders commented 1 year ago

This is happening for new created tables as well, right? I mean before creating the table in the database, when you enter the comment for the first time, it is already displayed wrong? Or this happens on an already existing table, reversed engineer from the database?

morrteza commented 1 year ago

Yes, this also happens to newly created tables, that is, when I type Persian in the comment or in the data of the table, this happens. While the same data entered in similar software ( MYSQL Workbench) is displayed correctly.

wise-coders commented 1 year ago

Does this happen in the other dialogs as well, for example if you type some comment in a schema dialog ( right-click a schema and Edit)?

morrteza commented 1 year ago

utf8-2 not shown correctly .

wise-coders commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your help. This seems to be a JavaFX issue. We will search if is any flag we can add to make it work correctly.

morrteza commented 1 year ago

Thank you.

wise-coders commented 8 months ago

Could you please check if this issue is fixed in the latest release 9.4.2? I close the ticket. If the issue persists, please reopen.

morrteza commented 8 months ago


DBSchema version = 9.4.2 build 231003 operating system = macOS database = mysql 8 Default collation: utf8mb3_general_ci Default characterset: utf8mb3

when i typing Persian language in comment or data in table , not shown correctly .

wise-coders commented 8 months ago

Can you please add this to DbSchema.vmoptions ( located in the same folder as DbSchema.exe ? -Djdk.gtk.version=2

The vmoptions file is located in ./DbSchema.app/Contents/vmoptions.txt on the MacOs.

morrteza commented 8 months ago

003 004 005

Not work .